Pedro Vilarim

Artist | Computational Designer

slat wall

Waco's Airport

From images of the Wichita people's dwellings and the relief of the city of Waco, TX, into decorative panels.

slat wall

Relief Panel

Panel from the relief at Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, USA.

product design and 3d configurator


Movêu is the 1st Brazilian company that uses 3D configurators to sell and produce bespoke furniture

slat wall

Depth Whale

Transforming 2D images into panels through the generation of depth maps.

Restaurant scenario

Waves tunnel

Tunnel for coffee shop entrance

3d web configurator

Metal Panel Facades

Metal panel configurator for Dampere's building facades, automating the product of over 30 different panel patterns.

digital fabrication code development

Branded Wall

Design and development the top-selling manufacturing panel at Mak Studio.

ai video

"Computers make art, artist make money"

This song from the 90s was created in the Movimento Mange in Brazil (Mangrove Movement). We downloaded MP3 files from the predecessors of Itunnes and Spotify, and at the same time, we had a rich and original music production in our city, Recife, Brazil.
This movement was connected to the technological revolution of the 1990s, but it did this inspiring the creativity and cultural production of the poor population. We had not seen something new and original in Brazil for decades.
As metaphor compared men to crabs, survivors of fertile mud, a critique of the inequality of a resilient population through their culture.
I was at the Architecture College in the same building as the Music, Arts, and Theater courses, coming from a countryside city, and my head exploded with ideas and possibilities for the future. Today, working as a computational designer is like fulfilling a 30-year prophecy:
🎶computers make art, artists make money.🎶Let's make this prophecy come true!

3d web configurator

Kitchen Configurator

Development of a kitchen configurator for a wood panel manufacturer.

3d web configurator

Automatic product layout

Web configurator to showcase the Milan Furniture Fair 2023. This configurator serves as a prototype, demonstrating how automated design and manufacturing can be powerful tools for businesses.

Lead of computational design

I parameterized dozens of designs and led a computational design team.

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